Thursday, December 17


I wonder how many people have "good" neighbors? I've often wondered that. I've lived in a variety of places, in some different situations. I've observed people, neighbors, neighborhoods. And sometimes I'm saddened by the hurried life that we seem to live. The time crunch is such that we forget to be good neighbors. I look forward to a time when I can live in a place long enough to be a good neighbor and have good neighbors. Here are the kind of things I'm thinking of -

A good neighbor is the person who will...
  • willingly lend you baking ingredients
  • offer to pick up your mail when you are away
  • initiate a friendly chat across the fence
  • invite you over for dessert or coffee
  • help you move something heavy or awkward
  • smile
It is a stretch to reach out to people that are outside of our circle. But if each of us did, in our neighborhoods or cul-de-sacs think what a different feeling we would have when we stepped out of our cars after a long day at work. We would be greeted to smiling faces and friendly waves. To real conversation, not just the same ole' small talk. I would eat that up. That's a place I would want to live, year after year and decade after decade.

This blog was prompted by my new neighbor who walked over, introduced himself, welcomed me to the neighborhood, and helped me carry furniture from my car into the garage. Unbelievable! You inspire me, neighbor Dave. I want to be more like you.

Wednesday, December 9

the hometown is calling

As we all know, moving is routine for me. So here it goes again. A week from Friday I'll be packing up my clothes, some food, a dog, a few houseplants and piling it all back into the Jimmy to take a drive to Rochester, IN, the county seat of Fulton County, and my hometown.

Moving back to my hometown will be great; familiar faces and places, family (plus the new addition - Baby Jane), old friends. But at the same time it will be completely strange. I've been trying to process this move mentally and I don't really know what to make of it. On the one hand I'm really excited to start again in Rochester, where I got my initial start in life. But on the other side of things I don't really know how I'll fit back into life there.

I'm trusting that this chapter in my life will be another satisfying jaunt. My life has been full of them, I'm lucky, I know. So I go with no preconceived notions of how life looks for me in Rochester. Just an understanding that it will all work itself out.