Sunday, February 24


This week has been full. Full of work, full of sunshine (seriously), full of laughs (7 yards of organic cow manure sitting on the driveway, mmhm). Spent three days working at Lavender Wind Farm and then spent Thursday and Friday working with Suzie (owner of the house), on preparing our garden for the spring. Saturday I went hiking at Deception Pass State Park with Rachel, my friend from Montana whose parents live 1/4 mile down the road from me. Monday and Wednesday Suzie and I attended organic gardening classes, as well. All in all, a full week!

I'm hoping 'weeding the garden' will take on a whole new meaning with that view.

Lots of manure - supposedly it is "aged" manure. But I can attest, it still smells nasty!

Did anyone watch the lunar eclipse on Wednesday night? It was an outstanding show here. A rare natural phenomenon that reminds us of how unique our galaxy really is!

Rachel stands on Rosario Point. We were hoping to see some seals, but alas only diving birds and lots of kelp. The kelp bed right below the cliff is shown below. Beautiful day to hike!


Kristi said...

I watched the lunar eclipse too ~ guess the old science teacher in me has yet to quit... Nothing like hearing your not quite two year old daughter say "luna cispe, muhn go nini" Of course I bet your view of it was MUCH better than ours marred by streetlights!
I love reading about your adventure!

Calli said...

leslie...this is awesome. how beautiful. even the pile of poo looks so fitting. it's been sunny too?? is that normal?