Wednesday, October 15

Marmots that Whistle

Amber, Bailey and I spent some time in the North Cascades at the beginning of September. Pasaytan Wilderness was dog friendly, had phenomenal vistas, and was only a three hour drive from the island. An hour into our four day hike, I realized we had left matches at home. Quite disheartening at the beginning of the trek to imagine cold rice at the end of a strenuous day. Thankfully a few hours in, we passed some hikers who were headed out and they passed us their spare matches. Whew. That could have been a disaster.

This panoramic picture shows Crater mountain with Jack mountain just behind. Our 43 mile Devil's Loop hike circled these two mountains providing us with great views for four days.
The highlight of the trip for me was a whistling marmot that was brave enough to stand his ground as we hiked through his territory. The brave little bugger nearly stared Bailey in the face before diving into his burrow, where he continued to whistle his muffled warning from his underground tunnel.

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